Boots That Work Main Wide Image
Boots That Work - Main Image

Make your boots work for you.

We love a good pair of boots. However, boots are expensive and it can be hard for a non-expert to tell the difference between brands. Trust us – you’ll definitely know in a few years if that pair of boots you just splurged on was really worth it and last as long as they claimed, but by then it may be too late.

Our goal is to help you:
– Pick the right boots for your needs before you buy them
– Care for and maintain your boots if you already have them

Work boots

Hiking Boots

Fashion Boots



Tips & Tricks

We want to help get your boot questions answered, and to make sure that the boots you choose next are everything you need them to be.

About Us

We’ve lived, worked, traveled, and hiked across the world in our boots. We’ve also spent a lot of time on shopping and research and we know it can be hard to find up-to-date information on boots for specific purposes. With this site we want to share what we’ve learned and help you avoid some of the boot mistakes we’ve made over the years. Find out more about us here.

Featured Guides

what boots do navy seals wear featured image

What Boots Do Navy SEALs Wear?

Are you gearing up for military deployment or simply curious about military boots? This article answers the question, “what boots do Navy SEALs wear?” so

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Best Ice Fishing Boots featured image

7 Best Ice Fishing Boots

If you are shopping for the best ice fishing boots, the most important factors to consider are their insulation, waterproofing, and comfort. Below, I have

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